Simple elegance
It is a tasteful blend of materials that create a beautiful kitchen.

Wood is in!
Natural or light stained wood has made a comeback, the warmth in the wood tone creates a bright welcoming feel when it is paired with other light colored elements like the countertops and the backsplash.

The backsplash is the cherry on top!
A tile backsplash will contribute massively to the mood or vibe you are trying to create. In this case the subtle beige hex tile creates an inviting fresh look to this new kitchen.

Dine in Kitchen
The back side of the island is an awesome opportunity to create a dine-in kitchen especially if you entertain guests frequently or simply like to eat in the kitchen.

White Ship-Lap Island
Using a contrasting color on the island is a great way to create visual interest in a kitchen.

The Details Matter
This quartz countertop was chosen because the light brown veins matched the color of the cabinetry. These are the types of subtle details that are considered when you work with a professional kitchen and bath designer.